Although Missouri Dem. Gov. Jay Nixon called a state of emergency and activated the National Guard to prepare for the grand jury announcement on officer Wilson, he didn’t end up using them last night.
So the city was torn apart as property was destroyed and nearby businesses were looted and burned down.
Why did this happen? Why were these rioters allowed to create mayhem?
Ya Darn Right he did !!!! Impeach !!!!!
of course he did trying2embarass USA,its his 2 yr agenda
If it was the white cracker honky’s they woulda been out triple time !!!!!
Obama is demanding it to become Marshal law! So he can take over America and start up his FEMA camps full swing. Funny how it is so easy to ignore the fact the FEMA prisons are full of homeless waiting to be killed and nobody notices it.
Obama & Holder = a Double Hanging !
Thank you Nelda, very well said, also very true. The only problem is these ignorant blacks and liberals are too dumb and lazy to see this or even care. As long as they get their freebies, they’re happy.
i was wondering why the guard DID NOT intervene
yeah where was the national guaed
launch the national guaed againstb obozo admin
obama told the Mo governor to have national guard to stand down.++just as he did in Benghazi.