Although Missouri Dem. Gov. Jay Nixon called a state of emergency and activated the National Guard to prepare for the grand jury announcement on officer Wilson, he didn’t end up using them last night.
So the city was torn apart as property was destroyed and nearby businesses were looted and burned down.
Why did this happen? Why were these rioters allowed to create mayhem?
i’am sure he did
That is not apropriate John Harrison.
sounds like something this racist ass would do
States Control the National Guard not the President… Governor $#%&!@*ed Up…
Why is Obama still breathing ?????
yes it is
You’re right Brian…this seems like internal political bickering because the Governor is a Democrat and the Lt Gov is Republican (who seems to have more sense) 😉
Nixon = protecting Mo. citizens……Not.
time for the KKK,rednecks, onion heads, and anyone else who does not like blacks to go down to fergusen to have some target practice c**n hunting season opens
Would not put it pass the devil.