Although Missouri Dem. Gov. Jay Nixon called a state of emergency and activated the National Guard to prepare for the grand jury announcement on officer Wilson, he didn’t end up using them last night.
So the city was torn apart as property was destroyed and nearby businesses were looted and burned down.
Why did this happen? Why were these rioters allowed to create mayhem?
figures, he just wants to start trouble, the national guard needed to be there to shoot looters and rioters
Absolutely i believe Obama has deceived the sheep since day 1
Jay Nixon ordered the Guard to stand down
Actually he visited 57 states. Just saying….
Obama , Black America s annoited one , responsible for the burning and looting of minority owned businesses!
Maybe an overwhelming number of guard members felt a moral obligation to not intervene….now there’s a new concept…oh wait no it’s not.
More than just me believe this to be a fact.
obama stopped the National Guard because he was hoping the riots would spread so he could establish martial law. It didn’t work. It just hurt so more small business owners.
This is sad. People who have worked hard building their small business lost some much in a second. I hope that people think before they act insane.
Obama and his best bud Eric Withholder gave ‘stand down orders!’
Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson are doing a great job pushing this country back at least 5o years by creating a much larger divide…..that is just where they want us as well…and too many pawns get sucked in….