Two adorable girls, ages five and eight, picked the colors for their swing set. They opted for girly colors, lovely purple and pink, rather reminiscent of victorian colors. Mom and dad where happy to oblige and the set has given the girls over a year of joy.
However, happily ever after does not seem to be in the future for this swing set. The Raintree Lake Property Owners Association’s has filed suit against the family due to the color choice of the swing set. In fact, the Stouts won their appeal regarding the swing set, the HOA, has sent letters of continued suit and the threat of jail time if they do not change the color or take down the set.
Check out the video of this “eyesore” on the NEXT PAGE:
I hate HOAs. They feel they can run your entire life.
I hate yellow slides, red slides, green climbers, yellow and green striped roofs. These playsets are unbelievably gaudy. The reason the community has a problem with this is the same reason people hate rebel flags. It speaks to a mindset geared toward individuality and THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE to liberals.
Player haters….grow up
I wouldn’t live under HOA if someone paid me too..
What moron would pay to have your property rights taken and hindered? Kids these days…
obvious you were joking Naomi Nicole Colbert some people are just as dumb as a box of rocks
There are so many idiots out there. Many of them are on boards of Home Owners $#%&!@*oc. they make a lot of dumb decisions. Example: man pars his own truck in driveway & they want to fine him. Could give more but they are so rediculous.
None of what that has to do with a purple swing set. The color of it is not bringing down property values.
Don’t live in an HOA. You knew the rules going in.