Two adorable girls, ages five and eight, picked the colors for their swing set. They opted for girly colors, lovely purple and pink, rather reminiscent of victorian colors. Mom and dad where happy to oblige and the set has given the girls over a year of joy.
However, happily ever after does not seem to be in the future for this swing set. The Raintree Lake Property Owners Association’s has filed suit against the family due to the color choice of the swing set. In fact, the Stouts won their appeal regarding the swing set, the HOA, has sent letters of continued suit and the threat of jail time if they do not change the color or take down the set.
Check out the video of this “eyesore” on the NEXT PAGE:
Pick, pick, pick, pick.
No way
Some people are just crazy. I like the color.
This is so ridiculous!!! HOW stupid People ARE!!!!
Don’t these idiots in the HOA have better things to do than sue this family over the color of a swing set??? I hope the HOA fails in their suits and has to pay all legal fees and court costs of both parties plus compensation to defendants ( the family) for har$#%&!@*ment !!!! Very large Punitive Damages too!!!!
What is wrong with it? It is pretty and it is for the kids. they should have a choice. Some people have nothing to do but complain.
People get lives
SRSLY????????what is wrong with people & purple????