The Missouri cities of St. Peters, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis, and a councilman from O’Fallon have recently filed suit against their own residents for voting to ban red light cameras.
Last November, 73% of St. Charles County citizens went to the polls approved a measure to ban red light cameras, but that didn’t set well with bureaucrats who are now basically suing 73% of their citizens.
Time for them to vote these ass-holes out of office.
Fire every one of them. You don’t want crazy, entitled people running things anyway. We have that on the federal level so need a little sanity at home.
get those politicians out of office
If a city is having a problem with red light runners at a certain intersection you put a police officer at that intersection that’s why we pay the police instead of hanging around talking to each other in parking lots they can watch problem intersections we don’t need no stinking cameras
Red light cameras should be used for target practice.
how about stop breaking the law
that’s funny, I thought extortion was a crime…this story sounds like extortion
my opinion you should be trying to ban sharia law and the burkas red lights who cares