The Missouri cities of St. Peters, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis, and a councilman from O’Fallon have recently filed suit against their own residents for voting to ban red light cameras.
Last November, 73% of St. Charles County citizens went to the polls approved a measure to ban red light cameras, but that didn’t set well with bureaucrats who are now basically suing 73% of their citizens.
David is a boot licker!
bull $#%&!@* citizens of the towns , state and US set the rules for laws in this country. should have the case thrown out for lack of standing.
time to get rid of those leaders in those cities isn’t it Missouri residents…….
since when is extortion not a crime? SOB’S
Mark Moretina have you seen this???
Nope Nikki
These Muslims are using our constitution and our laws against us.