The Missouri cities of St. Peters, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis, and a councilman from O’Fallon have recently filed suit against their own residents for voting to ban red light cameras.
Last November, 73% of St. Charles County citizens went to the polls approved a measure to ban red light cameras, but that didn’t set well with bureaucrats who are now basically suing 73% of their citizens.
It sounds like the city might have had big plans for the money they thought they were going to rip off from these cameras,
How stupid can people be?
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And here I thought they weren’t aloud to make claims only criminal n civil complaints smh
What the hell is going on with local state n federal gov acting like gods n creators
Do they not work for us or paid by tax $$$ or did I miss something on over reach of power or laws that bind them
First of all, you are stupid, second, its a cheap way to extort money from hard working people when nobody was hurt, third, its like saying you can’t $#%&!@* your newlywed without me $#%&!@*ing her first, fourth, you sound like one of them trying to throw us off want we want, fifth, your a $#%&!@*ing idiot, if you don’t care about your rights n freedoms then keep your mouth shut
And you need to stop talking as if your one of the people when I know damn well your one of them
Honor your oath $#%&!@*
Oh good grief! The government is really going mad as hater’s! !!!
Sounds like Europe !
Welcome to communist state of Missouri.