The Missouri cities of St. Peters, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis, and a councilman from O’Fallon have recently filed suit against their own residents for voting to ban red light cameras.
Last November, 73% of St. Charles County citizens went to the polls approved a measure to ban red light cameras, but that didn’t set well with bureaucrats who are now basically suing 73% of their citizens.
Sounds like those places are run by liberal idiots.
Sue the city’s right back, and SUE that councilman, on a PERSONAL level. A class action suit would be apropriate.
Even if all who participated, and only got a dollar, he’d be so damned broke he would p**s dust.
u need to lieraly run them out of town on a rail …the people spoke and they refuse to follow through with the peoples wishes .. or use a gun bout 400 residents show up at city hall armed they will go away .400 armed citizens the police will back down ..i dare anyone to bet me they wont
Such is the sick and insane liberal mind.
What is wrong with red light cameras? If you don’t run the light then you have nothing to worry about/fear. Every red light corner should have a camera.
Thanks for the info, David !
totally insane
I think there should be cameras in everyone’s house so the government knows what your doing at all times. People just can’t be trusted and need to be controlled.
I have your nuance sir! Right is right and wrong is wrong. The Will of the people is above political corruption. Basically city council can be replaced and laws can be stricken from the books. In 3 generations this will not exist because the people don’t want it. Bravo!
Don’t get me wrong, I in no way approve of what St. Peters does… on pretty much any front. I’m suing them right now for mandating that homeowners have to devote half of their yard to growing grass. But I also think it is vitally important to understand what is happening, not just to get angry over a slightly misleading headline.
Vote these creeps out of office