The Missouri cities of St. Peters, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis, and a councilman from O’Fallon have recently filed suit against their own residents for voting to ban red light cameras.
Last November, 73% of St. Charles County citizens went to the polls approved a measure to ban red light cameras, but that didn’t set well with bureaucrats who are now basically suing 73% of their citizens.
OMG! Dirty rotten bastards!
Is that even legal?
of course you cant stop the easiest way for them to effortlessly generate revenue . do you realize how much more time that allows a pig to harass citizens over other petty ass $#%&!@*
wow that person wont be re-elected thats for sure lolidiot
No need for a vote, get a pellet gun with a scope. Done.
I say we all take pictures of these bureaucrats cars — then send them the bills
Crazy is as Crazy Does!