As we proceed into an exciting new year and a potentially game-changing presidential administration, we find ourselves wading into new territory that raises challenging questions about our beliefs and ideas.
This of course isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, the mark of a good idea is that it has been subjected to numerous challenges and still remains intact. In fact, this is the essence of conservativism, respecting solid ideas that have stood the test of time while discarding ones that have been shown to be unfounded or dangerous. It is for this reason that we should be constantly evaluating the efficacy of our positions.
If we do not, we run the very serious risk of boxing ourselves into contradictory positions when two or more of our stances conflict with each other and giving a chance to characterize conservativism as a whole as the product of muddled thinking.
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Tennessee already has a law to hold gun free zones liable for attack committed at their business democrats like adolf Hilary want to hold gun companies liable for crimes committed with their products its only fair gun free zones share the same!.
I don’ t understand this bill?
My example is theatre chains who all disarm law abiding citizens, and create “Gunfree Slaughter Zones” laws should also be enacted not only make them liable for disarming law abiding citizens, it should also mandate that the business owner have armed security on duty during business hours.
So I guess Rosa Parks could have chosen to walk instead? Or not eat at the lunch counter? or drink at the water fountain?
No as long as the business owner caters to the public, they cannot discriminate against anyone who are abiding by city and state laws.
Perfect law protects law abiding citizens from discrimination.
Very simple new law protects law abiding citizens from being discriminated against, without serious consequence for doing so.
Your statement is nonsensical, care to explain.
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