I miss the separation of church and state, I miss being represented by people who aren’t permanently campaigning while “legislating”. I miss debates that could be won because both sides understood compromise was the goal, not some filthy thing to be avoided. I miss when stupid people knew they were stupid and wouldn’t spew misinformation like a firehose.
No one was talking about the time when there was slavery! That will always be a tragic part of American history!
I miss the old America where:
1)You applied for a job and started work the next day!
2) Children won’t bringing weapons to school and committing mass murder!
3) It was okay to be a person of faith and pray in public!
4) Children wasn’t having children by age 14!
5) Doing drugs to get high was bad, instead of being legalized!
6) when someone could disagree with another person’s policy or point of view and not be considered a racist!
7) People were proud to be an American, and didn’t burn our flag!
That’s what happens when the sheeple elect a “manchurin candidate”Their agenda is to destroy America an this administration is on cruise control, political correctness, welfare, Godlessness , floods of illegal immigrants,liburturds and communism along with islam, scandels within our Gubbamintz, are tearing our once great nation to shreds, and it breaks my heart, Maybe its time for 1776 part 2?!
I miss the days when men wore suits and fedoras instead of jeans and tee shirts. Women look a lot prettier in dresses, too, than in jeans and tee shirts. Having experienced both de facto segregation and racial integration in public schools, I find I greatly prefer segregation. I prefer an America without hippies, too, and without pot, rap, Marilyn Manson, “gay rights,” and “multiculturalism.” There was a time when almost everyone was patriotic and almost everyone drove an American car. Now it’s hard to even find a new car made in the USA. The Left loves to bash McCarthy, but the fact is McCarthy wasn’t really dangerous to anyone but the communists. I miss the days when a college education actually meant you knew something important because you had to learn it and you had to study hard to earn the degree. Now the professions are filled with people who don’t even know how to write grammatical English. I long for the days when everyone wasn’t going around trying to act “cool,” instead of being genuine. Before the Marxist architects of the Bauhaus school moved to the United States buildings were supposed to be beautiful instead of ugly. By the 1960s they couldn’t be beautiful anymore because beauty was “bourgeois.” There’s really nothing wrong with nostalgia if the past really was better than the present.
I miss the days when there were standards in society. When lines just didn’t get crossed. Where some things were considered sacred. I miss the days before the computer when people actually talked with each other and you actually had to think in order to function in the world.
Know How (I know people who can’t identify a monkey wrench!)
More sense of community and common purpose
Mostly intact, functional families
Freedom for kids to wander all over and nobody had to worry
Less chronic stress
Politics that were something you did on election day, not every day and over everything
I remember “Whites Only” signs, so am glad some things have changed, but it seems we’ve thrown out the baby with the bathwater.
The country the greatest in the world united states of america.
I miss the separation of church and state, I miss being represented by people who aren’t permanently campaigning while “legislating”. I miss debates that could be won because both sides understood compromise was the goal, not some filthy thing to be avoided. I miss when stupid people knew they were stupid and wouldn’t spew misinformation like a firehose.
No one was talking about the time when there was slavery! That will always be a tragic part of American history!
I miss the old America where:
1)You applied for a job and started work the next day!
2) Children won’t bringing weapons to school and committing mass murder!
3) It was okay to be a person of faith and pray in public!
4) Children wasn’t having children by age 14!
5) Doing drugs to get high was bad, instead of being legalized!
6) when someone could disagree with another person’s policy or point of view and not be considered a racist!
7) People were proud to be an American, and didn’t burn our flag!
That’s what happens when the sheeple elect a “manchurin candidate”Their agenda is to destroy America an this administration is on cruise control, political correctness, welfare, Godlessness , floods of illegal immigrants,liburturds and communism along with islam, scandels within our Gubbamintz, are tearing our once great nation to shreds, and it breaks my heart, Maybe its time for 1776 part 2?!
I miss the days when men wore suits and fedoras instead of jeans and tee shirts. Women look a lot prettier in dresses, too, than in jeans and tee shirts. Having experienced both de facto segregation and racial integration in public schools, I find I greatly prefer segregation. I prefer an America without hippies, too, and without pot, rap, Marilyn Manson, “gay rights,” and “multiculturalism.” There was a time when almost everyone was patriotic and almost everyone drove an American car. Now it’s hard to even find a new car made in the USA. The Left loves to bash McCarthy, but the fact is McCarthy wasn’t really dangerous to anyone but the communists. I miss the days when a college education actually meant you knew something important because you had to learn it and you had to study hard to earn the degree. Now the professions are filled with people who don’t even know how to write grammatical English. I long for the days when everyone wasn’t going around trying to act “cool,” instead of being genuine. Before the Marxist architects of the Bauhaus school moved to the United States buildings were supposed to be beautiful instead of ugly. By the 1960s they couldn’t be beautiful anymore because beauty was “bourgeois.” There’s really nothing wrong with nostalgia if the past really was better than the present.
I miss the days when there were standards in society. When lines just didn’t get crossed. Where some things were considered sacred. I miss the days before the computer when people actually talked with each other and you actually had to think in order to function in the world.
I miss the America that, for all her faults, had:
Know How (I know people who can’t identify a monkey wrench!)
More sense of community and common purpose
Mostly intact, functional families
Freedom for kids to wander all over and nobody had to worry
Less chronic stress
Politics that were something you did on election day, not every day and over everything
I remember “Whites Only” signs, so am glad some things have changed, but it seems we’ve thrown out the baby with the bathwater.