Maxine Waters is to the Left what David Duke was to the Right. If none of you remember David Duke, he was a Republican candidate who apparently woke up one morning and decided he was no longer an Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. When he first came to recognition in the political realm, to say that Republicans distanced themselves from him is an amazing disservice to understatements.
Waters has the same problem with the Left. While she is wildly popular with the Griffin-esque faux-ISIS warriors that hope to someday aspire to the level of executioner, Waters has had her moments of letdown where she labors under the illusion that the upper echelons of Progressive royalty are “down with the struggle.” She is under the false impression that the Democrat Party actually, LITERALLY, stands for the oppressed and the downtrodden, the castaways from society and the ne’er-do-wells. I’m not saying that it’s her fault, by no means. She is exactly like the millions of disenfranchised Blacks in America who have been led to believe the total fantasy presented by the Left. When I speak about disenfranchised, I’m not talking about Right wingers blocking her from the voting booth. I’m talking about the Black American who is kept from the horrid truth and history of her own party and led to believe that the people who run the party actually care what the heck she’s concerned about as a representative of the people.
The same goes for the Republican Party. If any Right winger labors under the misconception that party leaders actually stand for things like Term Limits, or cutting taxes, or Pro-Life issues, they are also barking up the wrong tree. The Republican Party is an organization conceived and built to make its national chairpersons and committee wealthy…simple. Just like any company or corporation, they are there to make people money. And if anyone is under the impression that the Democrat Party is any different, they are not living in reality.
Because of this exact situation, where the party leaders have a completely different and separate agenda than the poor saps stuck at the bottom of the pyramid, you have events where people like Waters have their mics cut when they venture too far into Stupid-Land. And speaking of Stupid-Land, the Queen of that region recently spoke at an LA Pride event where she, as necessary, told the crowd that she will never accept “HIM” as her president. Turn to the next page for the shameful video…nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]
That kind of speech is probably what drove the man to shoot the Republicans! You never hear republicans making crazy public speeches like that, at least I haven’t seen any and I’ve been watching them for a while.
Fire her
You have normalized violence against us for the last two years. You have set buildings on fire to prevent us from speaking. You have called for our deaths, you have called it “a masterpiece” when our president is killed at Shakespeare in the Park, you laughed at his severed head in effigy as supposed comedy, and you have spoken quite freely about blowing up the Whitehouse.You have called honorable men like Jeff Sessions.”Russian operatives”, you have been complicit in correcting the record of phony narratives in the press. You have shamelessly wished death to the unborn grandson of our President. And NOW? You have sent hearts full of rage, rhetoric, and hate into the streets TO KILL our representatives.
This is not some random tragedy without a clear motive. This is not some senseless act of violence to be fixed by stricter gun laws. Criminals don’t obey laws. No, the gun is not to blame for the shooting of “Republicans” and dozens of violent attacks against us, you are! The blood is on YOUR hands!
None of the militias would fight for the left. The UN coming here would be suicide for them, both literally and economically.
It will definitely get nastier before it gets better. Way to many people have been leaching off this government for so long that the only way they will go is kicking and screaming.
What many of the left are doing and/or advocating is crossing the line into sedition.
Openly encouraging others to break the law and behave illegally. Which sadly, many on the left don’t seem to have any problems with doing.
This mindset of the left is one of the reasons this country is so screwed up and why the swamp is so well established. And why it is going to take work and time to drain it. For a long time we have unwittingly allowed liberal progressives to educate/indoctrinate our young by letting them run/control our country’s educational system and colleges for over fifty five plus years. We are seeing the results of this today.
The sad part is that the left doesn’t think any of their games are going to effect them or their lifestyles. They don’t realize, and/or maybe don’t even care, what may happen if this country is destroyed.
Trumps election didn’t create the left’s hate.
It exposed it.
And they are showing us, every day, exactly who and what they are really are.
Don’t be too sure and we would be under martial law. That is what some of them are looking toward.
Mental illness