Minority and Muslim students at the University of Michigan, being very angry with their low enrollment numbers, in conjunction the group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have pledged to “kick this university’s ass” and “shut the campus down” unless minority enrollment increases.
They have declared that the alleged drop in minority enrollment is a “national scandal” and representative of “the new Jim Crow.”
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Who are my brethren ????
Now to all of us westerners, if your will is to break islam demand that no more oil be purchased from asia minor. It will hurt us but right now islam has wealth and determination. Without wealth all they have is determination. islam is breaking us by doing small things at small cost which causes us to spend extravagently to monitor it, this will break us. The only way to breah islams toe hold in America is to do no physical harm to them but to crush each one of them financially with boycots of their businesses, civil lawsuits, peaceful legal demonstration at their mosques etc. Violence will only beget violence, we are better then that. Ms Celeste Poston please read this too and bow to our will!
All of you have attempted to kill us time after time.
Maybe they are not smart enough???
In case you don’t know you have a Muslim president & your troops are fighting for Muslims.
Your pentagon lays down the troops lives for the Mecca stone.
GROW A set and stop putting up with this BS
Of course shut it down. Tell the Muslims to go home to the Middle East where they came from otherwise your kids will be just like you.
It is time for Muslims to go back to their own country why should we change our beliefs and what are nation was founded on for them.
I told them to bust it unto pieces. But your so called america will not.