Minority and Muslim students at the University of Michigan, being very angry with their low enrollment numbers, in conjunction the group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have pledged to “kick this university’s ass” and “shut the campus down” unless minority enrollment increases.
They have declared that the alleged drop in minority enrollment is a “national scandal” and representative of “the new Jim Crow.”
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None of you know how nor what to worship. Sick !!
muslims are destroyers’
Well to be honest most Americans do not trust muzzies and we want you out of our country.If ever attacked again by muzzies in America it will be very dangerous to be A muzzie in America.Were sick of you !! And this is for tha illegal wet backs as well !!
Exactly!!! These people need to read, just how popular they have become around the world, NOT. Remember 9/11 and now ISIS???
You are all in idolotry & because you have NO WISDOM you die in your sins. For the wager of sin IS death.
No way they will shut down Michigan Univ. Ha ha
Words are cheap. You can better judge a people by their actions, and what kind of actions have Muslins shown the world so far? All I am doing here is asking the question for discussion purposes only.
In history we have learned that Christianity and islam were very violent towards each other. Pryor to that we were all pagans. After both world wars the west attempted to introduce democrcy in asia minor without attempting to understand their culture. The west assisted with the increase of wealth in countries that had oil. With this wealth came hatred against the west. As that wealth increased the west and Christianity came under attack. Mainly because the west displaced one group of people with another. Both of these groups had lived in that region since time started and both deserve to be there. History shows us that hate begets hate. Without the wealth that we created in asia minor little to none of this would be happening today. We gave wealth for a product to make life more convenient for the west. While asia minor still was ruled by monarchs and dictators who used that wealth against their own people. Much like all throughout history monarchs and dictators have always done. Human nature has always shown that when different appearances come together there is mistrust. America was founded on relgious freedoms but has not always welcomed all peoples with open arms. However most immigrants who have come to America have wanted to assimilate to become like us. Radical islam has not, radical islam has brought much hate to America and can only be construed that radicl islam wants to dismantle our melting pot. Ms Celeste Poston please go someplace where you can worship allah without disrupting our culture or conform to American values!
There are thousands of white high school graduates that are refused entry in many state universities because the schools say they must admit minorities to “balance” the enrollment numbers.
Muslims are trained by the Quran to lie and deceive. And when the heads are being chopped off, do you expect your Muslim friend, even if he is genuinely fond of you, to stand with you, and for the God in Whom he does not believe, and have his head chopped off, too? Or will your friend wish to demonstrate his faithfulness and wield the machete himself?