Minority and Muslim students at the University of Michigan, being very angry with their low enrollment numbers, in conjunction the group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have pledged to “kick this university’s ass” and “shut the campus down” unless minority enrollment increases.
They have declared that the alleged drop in minority enrollment is a “national scandal” and representative of “the new Jim Crow.”
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& as your troops are ground to powder in the middle east for the idol for Obamas people claiming to b Is-Lamb we shall laugh all the more !! Go send your troops to fight for that which Be-Liar
I have a better idea.
Deport all muSSlims from the west.
I care not you need to learn of the God you say you love. I will ENJOY watching all your religions kill you.
I don’t care what you think if you don’t like it here go back to the middle east where they “treat women with love and respect”.
Catholics and Protestants are just as badwith terrorism. We dont here much on their fighting anymore because we are supposed to be a Christian nation.
Wonderful Michigan.
How about you speak out about the wrongs that your people are doing in the name of your religion… instead of just sitting there quietly.. Grow some balls or leave.
screw them
& all you little catholic whores were stashing vergins for the Lord to marry but he has already chosen. & now the little babies are raped by the catholics because they gave their children to demons.
As they said the virgins were for Jesus Christ. You all are sick in heart & mind.