Minority and Muslim students at the University of Michigan, being very angry with their low enrollment numbers, in conjunction the group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have pledged to “kick this university’s ass” and “shut the campus down” unless minority enrollment increases.
They have declared that the alleged drop in minority enrollment is a “national scandal” and representative of “the new Jim Crow.”
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Well put Lisa above!!!!!
I never knew there was SOOOOOOO much hatred in the world until Obama came into office. Everyone fighting one thing or another, you can’t do this or that because it offends this person or that person. What is the problem get off you high horse shut up and learn the course. Maybe the professor can drill in your head that you are there to learn as everyone else. If the country judges you then change your ways and become a person that can be approached not one that has one idea in their head to destroy a country that the citizens live in before you were born.
One word: “assimilate” – become JUST an AMERICAN & forget the HYPHENATED part…
Or just go back where you ARE comfortable and whine there.
Well this is not an Islam country for one you got the freedom &rights to religious freedom but it stop at kill our freedom .rights .and liberty . besides we all our being judged each minute by people family friends .anyone &every one .that’s the way it should be .make us better honest lawful God fearing respected.
Go the hell back home! Nobody wants you here!
They should go back home if they are so upset about things here.
Get the fuk out and never come back!!!!
Go back home !!
I am immigrant and the first thing that I did when I came as a teenager was to learn English then made the USA my country. I kept my heritage and proud of it. I served my country (USA) for 20 years and I would do it all over again. One comes to this country for a better life so make it your country, their laws, culture or you came as a visitor. If you came as a visitor don,t tell us how to live or change our country.