Minority and Muslim students at the University of Michigan, being very angry with their low enrollment numbers, in conjunction the group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have pledged to “kick this university’s ass” and “shut the campus down” unless minority enrollment increases.
They have declared that the alleged drop in minority enrollment is a “national scandal” and representative of “the new Jim Crow.”
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Same old BS
Totally agree 100% with Lauren Fannin-Housley on this. GET OVER IT, ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!
well dont blame america for there feeling towards muslims. who dont give women rights. but stone them to death. and try and orce there beliefs on others by killing them if they dont join them…really now..maby you should just leave….
If they don’t like it go somewhere else,no one is making them go there
Pack your stuff and head on out!! Live here and fight for our freedoms like our forefathers be an American for Americans or go the hell home!!!
Perhaps if the supposed Muslim majority would consistently condemn those acts of terrorism or Muslim on Muslim or Muslim on non-Muslim atrocities then perhaps they wouldn’t feel that way. It’s very similiar to what is seen in the black community.
Islam is an evil cult. It should be banned from the west.
boohoo poor baby,move back to your ancestors country then.
Ahhhhhh poor thing nobody likes you your going to eat same pork!
This is America. You don’t like our ways. Then get out.