Minority and Muslim students at the University of Michigan, being very angry with their low enrollment numbers, in conjunction the group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have pledged to “kick this university’s ass” and “shut the campus down” unless minority enrollment increases.
They have declared that the alleged drop in minority enrollment is a “national scandal” and representative of “the new Jim Crow.”
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This is America not the middle east who care what they do or do not like screw um. If their is to be another civil war then let it begin here we won’t be throwing rocks and bricks it going to be lead flying.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Americanized and Christianized them now deal with it and quit your whining!
I’ll be totaly un p.c. n***a please ok. I’m a minority american indian and i don’t whine about every “percieved’ slight.
Muslims cannot be trusted, no matter what they say. They are evil incarnate .
Why not Tala. You judge us!
Islamic terrorism is already in the U.S.
I don’t care if she feels like a fish out if water. They are trying to make us feel the same way. I wany to feel like a American living in a Country that believes in, One Nation Under God! Again.
You people come to my homeland and try to change me? What the hell is this world coming to? If I were to move to your homeland I would be killed for being an infadel because I am a christian! Conform or get the hell back to where you came from!
Jay we know that, and Berry Soetoro or Obama, your choice is the number one Muslim in our Country.
Hey!!! If they don’t like it here, then they can just GET the HELL OUT of MY COUNTRY.