Societies cannot exist without norms of behavior. While there will be changes over time, just something as simple as a personal conversation assumes many conventions will be observed without which such exchange of information and thoughts would be difficult if not impossible.
At one time, we could assume that a person’s obvious appearance as male or female was an accurate indication of the person’s gender. In fact, that statement is so obvious, that it seems utterly ridiculous to assume otherwise, or to even find it necessary to make such a comment. Unfortunately, as it is becoming increasingly clear, there are those who reject their obvious sex, and who, to one extent or another, identify as a member of the opposite sex, and more than that, expect to be treated as such.
This opens up the obvious issue of matters relating to the segregating of the sexes for public restrooms, as well as the more sensitive practice of having separate locker and shower facilities for boys and girls in the public schools. If gender identity is fluid, then such separation by sex becomes impossible with all the implications involved.
Minnesota has surrendered to those pushing for transgender accommodations in the schools as examined on page two.
Being a teacher in public education must be the absolute dream job. There are only 180 schooldays in a calendar year. Income is guaranteed by a never-ending supply of tax dollars. The education system is closely controlled by the teachers union which has created what seems to be no cut contracts for the teachers.
There is all the difference in the world between being able to teach, or, being qualified to teach. The rapid decaying of our education system stands as proof positive that for way too many teachers, the license to teach is a ticket to Easy Street. Once one is granted entry into the union guarded world of guaranteed security, they are free to do whatever they wish to do with the minds of our young people. Teaching qualifications should be judged by whether or not their students become educated, not on their union membership.
Oh stop this insane b******t
That ought to be interesting during Gym Class…
Americans need to consider the Time to sign up for City Councils BOE, HIA etc ppl have to shut up and out skin in the game now…still trying to figure out what that means for Cary NC
And stupidity wins again. There is no hope left. It all just went to hell.
How do Christians live in Minnesota? They have gone totally crazy.
That is what God created. Man and Woman. Understand that, get used to it. That is the way it is and the way it will be.
Thing 1 and thing 2 ?