The recent horrific school shootings have naturally left the nation stunned and looking for answers. Specifically, what must be done to make our schools safe for our children, not to mention the staff as well? School shootings were virtually unheard just a few decades ago. Although even one such tragedy is one too many, the increase in recent years is very alarming.
What is also alarming are the efforts to use these tragedies to promote the radical gun-control agenda. That is not to suggest that anyone wants these events to happen just to push for more gun laws. But when such tragedies to occur, the overly-simplified and unworkable solution of just taking guns away from everyone to fix the problem is invariably presented by the left. It comes off like clockwork.
And it is dangerous and it doesn’t work. What would work, to the horror of the anti-gun lobby, would be armed citizens who could bring such shooting sprees to a quick halt. Or, just their presence might raise the stakes so high that the would-be killer abandons his plans and goes back to shooting people up in video games.
The people of Minnesota are the target of some of the most draconian anti-gun laws imaginable. The claim is this effort has been defeated. But perhaps not. More on page two.
Let me introduce my foot to your ass
“Comprehensive gun confiscation IS our ultimate objective. We will get there one tiny sensible step at a time” Janet Reno
The day they remove the 2nd Amendment will be the first day of the next AMERICAN REVOLUTION …..
What are people thinking seems like all laws passed in this country you need to read the fine print that’s where they get us don’t vote for any thing like this bill ever
I see what is being done is exact reason for second amendment and for us to keep our guns is our government is getting over bearing Foreign or DOMESTIC enemies
This isn’t legal, Minnesota has always been out there .never would live there.
Democrats want to encite a civil war!!! The problem with this ideology is they already have and it’s not citizens against citizens it’s against them the politicians themselves they will be the hunted not the American citizens! It won’t be long before we hear of them being shot or kidnapped in the near future if they keeps this UnAmerican rant going the people will begin to have enough and take the action to remove you..
It’s NOT coming from our president and Vice President!!!!