The Minneapolis public school system has ruled that any suspension of a non-white student requires the approval of the district superintendent.
This was prompted by reports that students of color are 10 times more likely to get suspended than white students. The Minneapolis school system enrolls over 32,000 students with 70% being non-white.
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Keep digging that hole
Special “privilege”!
And why is that? Because you don’t know how to do your jobs?
Screw balls!!!
This is racist!!
What do they have again st WHITE PEOPLE?
There are no special laws for blacks who commit robbery, assault, or murder !!!! If you give them special treatment early on, you are setting them up for failure !!!! Make them toe the line equally as other students and the learn respect for the system !!!!
The system is being bastardised, and teaching nothing about being responsible for one’s own actions. The actions we see on the streets today are mild compared to what they will be if they create another generation of people who take no responsibility for their actions.