Bernie Sanders — and to an extent, Hillary Clinton — has staked his campaign on the idea that corporations are evil entities set out to destroy their employees, the environment, and 99% of the American people in general. Liberals argue that because corporations exist for the purpose of — gasp! — making money, they are inherently nefarious.
The Democrats and the socialists constantly harp on the destructive nature of free enterprise. “How dare these CEOs make high salaries when many of these companies have employees that make minimum wage?” Perhaps the burger flippers should be making the same salaries as the CEO?
Liberals, however, look the other way when it comes to the salaries of union bosses. Despite the fact that union employees occupy some of the lowest-paying jobs in the country, union leaders are making bank. This doesn’t seem to bother the Democrats, though. I’m sure that has noooothing to do with all of the donations and endorsements Democrats receive from those unions.
In fact, liberals lobbying for a $15/hour minimum wage do NOT want to talk about how much union bosses are making.
To watch what happens when these clueless chuckleheads are posed with some thoughtful questions — and try to contend with facts, continue on the next page:
The Truth about gun control
Work hard Terrell and one day you could be a CEO
I’m not worried about me I own my own towing company I’m just tired of so called Christian American being so greedy it’s ok for McDonald’s workers to make$#%&!@*while they make the owners billions why can’t the owners just take a pay cut instead of raising the prices daaam what y’all never thought of that instead of me making 150k a year I make less so my drivers can afford to live cause I’m not a greedy f**k
the fact is if they get 15 a hour it is just gonna shut down all the minimum wage jobs and then they will have their raise and no job
Isnt that what free enterprise ia all about who can make more money than any one else
It’s all in the liberal plan. Yes 15 an hour will shut down openings for jobs, this way all those people will be dependent on the government for handouts. There by thinking our government is so wonderful when in fact what they are really doing is keeping you poor and dependent. It’s a viscous cycle but that is exactly where the liberal government wants you. So go ahead and fight for 15 an hour for an entry job. You are killing off jobs for thousands more. Haven’t you seen our food prices already increase overnight by dollars not cents? That 15.00 an hour will still be like making 8.00 an hour or less when all is said and done.
Why not fight for 20, 30, 40 or 50? These are not supposed to be careers, folks. They used to be for the teenagers and entry level only. Until they understand supply and demand, we are doomed! At some point, you will pay $75 for a McDonald’s meal and $250 for a steak dinner, then nobody can afford to eat out and you will no longer have a job at all!
I want to thank all of the idiots who are costing jobs, we had a meeting at work today yes I work on Sundays and guess who’s machinist job I being completely phased out by 2018, my company that’s who’s, since the wages have to go up there going to close production in January 2018 and go completely automated they’ll retain maybe 12 employees the Other 130 get pink slips and guess what the Union is doing nothing but they want to raise our dues I wish someone would jab a hose in America’s$#%&!@*and flush all these liberals down the drain I’ll be 55 trying to get a new job