Bernie Sanders — and to an extent, Hillary Clinton — has staked his campaign on the idea that corporations are evil entities set out to destroy their employees, the environment, and 99% of the American people in general. Liberals argue that because corporations exist for the purpose of — gasp! — making money, they are inherently nefarious.
The Democrats and the socialists constantly harp on the destructive nature of free enterprise. “How dare these CEOs make high salaries when many of these companies have employees that make minimum wage?” Perhaps the burger flippers should be making the same salaries as the CEO?
Liberals, however, look the other way when it comes to the salaries of union bosses. Despite the fact that union employees occupy some of the lowest-paying jobs in the country, union leaders are making bank. This doesn’t seem to bother the Democrats, though. I’m sure that has noooothing to do with all of the donations and endorsements Democrats receive from those unions.
In fact, liberals lobbying for a $15/hour minimum wage do NOT want to talk about how much union bosses are making.
To watch what happens when these clueless chuckleheads are posed with some thoughtful questions — and try to contend with facts, continue on the next page:
This is some b******t it says “justice for janitors ” first all its custodian$#%&!@*.. An I work as a custodian for a school district an the pay is starting is $14.65 you max out at around $20 so your $15 an hour is b******t we already make $15 an hour been that way for years now
That is because they (the members )are moron lemmings.
It says justice for janitors first of all its custodian$#%&!@*.. An you really think blondie in that picture with the sign works as a custodian ? I don’t think so …
When I can go to McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King or go to any store or flower shop and get something even close to what I ordered, I might consider $10.00 as fair. Right now I believe many of you are paid way too much.
Let’s not raise minimum wage just keep letting CEOs make more and more while people can’t afford homes so they live were schools suck there kids can’t get a good education and the cycle keeps goin now there kids won’t have anything either while CEOs have homes in different countries and seasonal homes yea lets keep it like that lets let these billionaires keep getting richer and not allow people to afford decent housing food and healthcare yea that sounds right
Hear the word minimum it means minimum skill. So you get less money then you need to live cause you have less skill then you need to live. Not my fault i dont want my stuff to cost more cause you didnt finish high school and i did.
That has been part of the problem all along. They scream fair wages and yet their organized crime ( union ) bosses make more than any of them will ever hope to make.
Because only liberals are this dumb. Conservatives just work harder and learn skills to get better jobs.
Obviously, many who are protesting just do not understand or do not care….there may be 30 jobs available at $10 per hour…however, only 20 at $15 per hour…