Bernie Sanders — and to an extent, Hillary Clinton — has staked his campaign on the idea that corporations are evil entities set out to destroy their employees, the environment, and 99% of the American people in general. Liberals argue that because corporations exist for the purpose of — gasp! — making money, they are inherently nefarious.
The Democrats and the socialists constantly harp on the destructive nature of free enterprise. “How dare these CEOs make high salaries when many of these companies have employees that make minimum wage?” Perhaps the burger flippers should be making the same salaries as the CEO?
Liberals, however, look the other way when it comes to the salaries of union bosses. Despite the fact that union employees occupy some of the lowest-paying jobs in the country, union leaders are making bank. This doesn’t seem to bother the Democrats, though. I’m sure that has noooothing to do with all of the donations and endorsements Democrats receive from those unions.
In fact, liberals lobbying for a $15/hour minimum wage do NOT want to talk about how much union bosses are making.
To watch what happens when these clueless chuckleheads are posed with some thoughtful questions — and try to contend with facts, continue on the next page:
uneducated fools …
Hahahahaha fools I tell you fools go trump$#%&!@*Bernie an$#%&!@*Hillary and oh yea$#%&!@*you too Obama
How is this possible?
What makes you think they are liberals.?
Duh they are selected from the Democrat university recruiting. You send your kids to Democrat left schools and they “teach” democrat values and select those most politically reliable for their place in the larger movement.
People like this are created because of a rage of issues these people will take the left’s view on everything because in the end they are convinced that a free moral society is an oppressive one.
Back at you with CEO pay.
This new minimum wage it’s so ridiculous where do they think the money is going to come from all of we will be paying more for everything, companies are going to take the hit, just like the old farse I can’t wait to get a tax return from the government, you’re getting your own f****** money back the government and giving you s***
Some of these clowns are paid protesters .. They don’t know$#%&!@*… I keep emails asking to protest for green peace an it says I’ll be paid $16 an hour to show up an hold a sign for green peace
It hurts their brain !!