Sometimes, the government makes such unfathomable decisions, it almost looks like they’re trying to do a terrible job. This week, an agency in Florida came to one of those head-scratching conclusions.
Earlier this year, British researchers unveiled a plan to release millions of mosquitos in the Florida keys:
If British researchers have their way millions of genetically modified mosquitos will be set loose in the Florida in a large experiment to combat two viruses, dengue and chikungunya.
This would be the first time GMO insects would be set loose in a residential U.S. neighborhood and 140,000 protesters have signed a petition to stop the release.
But now it seems as if those protesters have wasted their time. The plan is going forward, despite the huge risk it may pose to the Florida keys community.
See what unintended consequence these residents are afraid of on the next page:
its like there war on drugs ,, its always the porest of neighborhodes where they go
Say what? How do we know they aren’t purposefully modified with dangers, perhaps even deadly, genetically modified material? How long have they been testing this genetically modified material? Sounds dangerous, perhaps deadly. Keep your bugs in Washington!
How about release them in DC…..we aren’t your fucking lab rats
So revenge takes a bad move.
Asked them about
I think this site likes spreading$#%&!@*STORIES. REALLY ????
Brandon J Reeder you sir are an$#%&!@* I have lived in wv all my life. We noticed the sudden existence of coyote in the area. We went from having none in our rural area to hearing their cries just yards from our home. Even though the DNR denies this. I dont trust any govt agency. If you do then you are a fool.
Kinda like the genetically modifeid honey bee,AKA killer bee just talkin
Sounds like trouble
Keep screwing around with Mother Nature and she’s going to end us all