Money, it is said, cannot buy happiness. On the other hand, it can definitely buy mobility, and perhaps a greater sense of security.
President Barack Obama came into office offering hope and change. He suggested he was well equipped to bring the nation together after the divisiveness of the George Bush years, and many believed he would heal the racial divide the country has suffered for so many years. Alas, not only has Obama been unable to deliver on those promises, he has made things much worse and driven racial conflict to unimaginable heights as he helps stoke the fires of African American discontent.
The good news for the wealthy is that they do not have to suffer in the same way that we mere (non-wealthy) mortals do since they can vote with their feet, and that is exactly what they are doing.
New strategy for wealthy, page 2:
They need their Community Organizer back to provide leadership, whoops, he will screw that up. Just look at the, almost eight years, and make a choice.
Crazy$#%&!@*..propaganda for someone else’s agenda.
Of course there leaving because hell is going to brake loose… While the rest of us in the World have to deal with the chaos and the refugees that will be coming out….
Obama’s home town, thats what he’s trying to turn America into the stupid islamic fool! You idiots that voted for that Kenyan village idiot how do you like him now!
Escape from Chicago. Better send in Snake Plissken.
Obama from Chicago?
Run little rich boys run!!!
Product of the far left$#%&!@*s ( PROGRESSIVE DEMO-CONS)
Best to leave them to destroy themselves.
In the near future ,if Donald Trump don’t get president.