Money, it is said, cannot buy happiness. On the other hand, it can definitely buy mobility, and perhaps a greater sense of security.
President Barack Obama came into office offering hope and change. He suggested he was well equipped to bring the nation together after the divisiveness of the George Bush years, and many believed he would heal the racial divide the country has suffered for so many years. Alas, not only has Obama been unable to deliver on those promises, he has made things much worse and driven racial conflict to unimaginable heights as he helps stoke the fires of African American discontent.
The good news for the wealthy is that they do not have to suffer in the same way that we mere (non-wealthy) mortals do since they can vote with their feet, and that is exactly what they are doing.
New strategy for wealthy, page 2:
Should be made to stay there
I believe this is the plan from the Obama administration. Create civil unrest then declare martial law and become dictator for life. I hope all you idiots that voted him in are happy with what you have created. Dont worry liberals, you’ll be in the same concentration camp as me and i wont forget what you did.
Oh look, a gun free zone, obamas home town, a shining light on the hill, run by dems an liberals. Steve G
Democrat controlled.
Chicago is a. sewer!
Should change the name of site to chicken little or we will stir any shyster pot!
Civil Unrest is going to happen before November, THEN Obama will declare Martial Law, Cancel elections & stay in Power
Just think most of this all started from one lie The BLM is based off of that one lie. The person that said Michael had his hands up saying don’t shoot will carry the darkness of death on their shoulders an the blood of innocent people being killed because of that one lie they told. Then you got Hillary saying cops need to be retrained because it’s not fair to arrest a black person. Then you got Burnie saying that white people needs to pay black people because of slavery. Then you get unrest and it’s always the whites fault. Then you got the gangs an thugs an drugs. What we really got is a world with out God. Time to bring God back an out with all this evil.
Hate the message… love the colors in the picture!!!… how can such “pretty” harbor such ugliness???
I bet they’re all libtards too.