Money, it is said, cannot buy happiness. On the other hand, it can definitely buy mobility, and perhaps a greater sense of security.
President Barack Obama came into office offering hope and change. He suggested he was well equipped to bring the nation together after the divisiveness of the George Bush years, and many believed he would heal the racial divide the country has suffered for so many years. Alas, not only has Obama been unable to deliver on those promises, he has made things much worse and driven racial conflict to unimaginable heights as he helps stoke the fires of African American discontent.
The good news for the wealthy is that they do not have to suffer in the same way that we mere (non-wealthy) mortals do since they can vote with their feet, and that is exactly what they are doing.
New strategy for wealthy, page 2:
Here comes your Marshall law.
Hell I’m no millionaire, but I can read the writing on the wall. Left 3 years ago
What they don’t report is drug Gang bangers from Chicago are in evading the suburbs and they are moving out of the area some the state.
Democrats in. = Prosperity, law and order out. And people still don’t get it. Smh
Pretty soon there will be no where to run to but time to stand
The black lives matter group wants to run the town let them its a mess and and the democrates are whats the problem,
This can’t be Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws, Their should be peace to here a libtard talk.
Check out ( Google ) Liberal Democratic Cities and see how horrible the jobs, education and crimes are compared to Conservative Republican Cities.Of subject // Cities that have strict gun laws have the highest gun murders,
Civil unrest- lmmfao
Wtf do they think is going on now