Militia Member Gunned Down, Eight Arrested After Confrontation With FBI, State Police


Rancher Gunned Down

Though the official account of what happened will be debated, the one eyewitness account indicates that the victim was not confronting law officials, but was in the act of approaching the authorities without a gun, and without any demonstration of aggressiveness, but that will not fit the narrative of the authorities.

The FBI said all eight face a federal felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats.

Finicum and Ryan Bundy allegedly disobeyed orders to surrender and resisted arrest, The Oregonian reported, citing sources. But that narrative is being challenged.

Ammon Bundy told his wife that Finicum was cooperating with police when he was shot, according to Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. A Facebook account reportedly operated by one of Finicum’s 11 children, Thara Tenney, also said Finicum was cooperating.

“I want the world to know how my father was murdered today,” the post said. “His hands were in the air and he was shot in the face by the American authorities. Ammon Bundy reported there are six witnesses to this evil.”

The protesters were heading to a public meeting in the town of John Day, about 70 miles north of Burns, to address local residents about the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge when the traffic stop took place, law enforcement officials told Fox News.

The Oregonian newspaper reported several hundred people had gathered at the John Day Senior Center on Tuesday evening and were told the “guest speakers” would not be appearing.

Ammon Bundy’s group, calling itself the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, seized the refuge’s headquarters on Jan. 2 in protest of what they viewed as onerous federal land restrictions, as well as the prison sentences of two local ranchers convicted of setting fires. Law enforcement officers converged on the wildlife refuge after the arrests and were expected to remain at the site throughout the night; it was unclear how many people, if any, remained in the buildings.

“I am pleased that the FBI has listened to the concerns of the local community and responded to the illegal activity occurring in Harney County by outside extremists,” Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., said in a written statement. “The leaders of this group are now in custody and I hope that the remaining individuals occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge will peacefully surrender so this community can begin to heal the deep wounds that this illegal activity has created over the last month.”

The state police said it would investigate the officer-involved shooting, with help from the Deschutes County Major Incident Team and the Harney County District Attorney’s Office.

You can rest assured that the team will find the killing justifiable, and the overt force used reasonable. It does, however, call to mind a previous incident about 250 years ago where a far away government wanted to control and own lands far to the west. The people living in those lands were accepting for some time, but the day came when the inhabitants of that fair land rose up and refused to submit to the arrogant and high handed demands of submission required by the royalty from the east. The day may soon be coming that a similar uprising will occur, and that is probably why the eastern “royalty” is so anxious and determined to disarm the citizens of this nation.


All the testimony together just makes no sense. The fire chief resigned, claiming that the FBI had infiltrated and was posting as militiamen.

The following is eyewitness audio testimony of the shooting of LaVoy Finicum on January 26, 2016. The witness was in the car with LaVoy, Ryan Payne, Ryan Bundy, and Shawna Cox.

More testimony:

Testimony from one militia member:



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