It’s been said that war is the health of the state. Perhaps so, just as long as that state doesn’t lose the war. With that thought as a backdrop, it can be convincingly argued that a constant state of war affords the central government opportunities to abridge freedoms and increase in size by ramping up spending on military hardware and personnel. Peace affords no such benefits to the government.
If a government actually wishes to pursue foreign conflicts, then anti-war protesters are its enemy. Anti-war activists have a nasty habit of pointing out the futility of the war, its costs in human and financial terms, and any contradictions between offical government propaganda and reality. Given the tension that is created between top political leaders and anti-war activists, the abridgment of free speech becomes a real possibility — even in a nation like the US which has a strong tradition of freedom of speech and of the press, and where such freedoms are guaranteed to the people in the country’s founding documents.
So when reports leak out that the military has completed its plans for rounding up and detaining anti-war protesters — such as is the case in the US now — it’s already long past time to take a hard look at what has been happening. More on this disturbing news on page two.
They would have to be ordered to do so by the Governor of their respective state.
What about all the election protesters ? Oh that’s right they sided with the boys that will try this .
Thats good, take the black lives matter with them also
That would depend on the political affiliation of the governor in regard to the President. Ours (being Democrat) obeyed Obama during Ferguson and deliberately did not send the National Guard to stop the destruction there, although they were parked in their vehicles just 10 miles away. That was a case where the National Guard was prevented from doing their duty. It can easy go the other way. Also, during the Waco incident 20 years ago, the White House sent 3 US Army sniper teams to assist the ATF and FBI in their siege against those people. There’s considerable evidence that these sniper teams killed people as they fled the burning buildings. One of those sniper teams had previously killed Randy Weaver and other members of his family at Ruby Ridge. So the US military has been used against US citizens, but in a clandestine way (for now). So while we have Posse Comitatus laws to protect us from our military, the Feds are always looking for ways to get around that. That’s what happens when DC turns into Mordor.
I think that would be called Marshall Law.
We don’t want that unless they arrest Obama first.
If not, he will stay in office.
We should have laws in place and action taken on the first protest. Obumo is letting real criminals, so we can fill the jails again. These are the right people to fill the jails with.
And another thing: during Ferguson, it became very obvious that neither the police, the State or the Feds were interested in protecting the citizenry. They guarded only govt buildings and deployed around those, not just in Ferguson but throughout the metropolitan region. No shopping centers protected, no homes or neighborhoods, just govt buildings. Many people commented about this. So the lesson everyone here learned was that the govt only cares about itself, NOT the citizens. So that’s the govt attitude towards us–I have to wonder what keeps the govt from attacking us at will, if their attitude towards us is uncaring to begin with.
I’d rather see you round up illegal criminals and send them packing.
Why do you think there are so many UN vehicles here?
Only destructive ones tho – burning, looting, blocking the road, or causing injury to others.