Over the next 17 months the Army will fire around 30,000 in an effort to draw down our troops due to budget pressures. Yet, at the same time the military just announced today that they will be hiring a small number of illegal immigrants.
Should the military fire a single soldier go just to hire one illegal immigrant should spark outrage.
Click the link to learn more:
Illegals will be Obama’s private army because that have NO loyalty to the constitution, american citizens, or America! And will follow all illegal orders Obama would give them!
Hell no
Omg. He is destroying America.
This is taking it too far.
Wow…Not cool…this is going too far!!
This army will be callous to the American way of life. He is importing brown shirts who will do his bidding.
First off, who knows if this is even real has anybody seen it on the news or any where? Hahaa! This is FB.
Send the illegals back where they came from I am sick of paying their bills and them taking American jobs.
Pay attention to his evil tricks, martial law will be here soon. He and his ilk need removed from office, impeachment and prison.