Fort Bliss Army base in El Paso, TX is currently increasing security in anticipation of a terrorist attack. ISIS jihadists are now confirmed to be operating out of the crime-infested Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and are planning an attack on the U.S. with car bombs and other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). READ MORE ON PAGE 2:
If you think this is news ok they have been here forever.
I agree there here! But don’t worry we’ve been waiting for a long time to show why protecting the 2nd Amendment is our birthright!!!
Lock and load American citizens!
They are everywhere here in America, wake up people to see what this President is doing to our country!
Surprised it hasn’t happened already. Guess we’ll have to see what develops in Ferguson.
Ovomit has opened the borders so his Muslim buddies can enter.
Open season no bag limit
What is it going to take for Christians to stand up to this cult. The wrath of the one and only God? “Where much is given much is required.” The wrath we will suffer is like none before. As said many times those who know and do nothing are more guilty then those whom are involved in the act itself.
Let all the dormant militia men deal with these F..ks. You know that the Fed’s will be very passive about this, due to you know who.
The Devil won’t show his face.he has to cover up.