The wave of migrants coming to Europe isn’t stopping and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel still continues to keep an open door policy of welcoming mostly all Muslim immigrants into her country.
Many Germans feel that Merkel’s pro-migrant policy could be the greatest threat to Germany since the Soviet Union fell and now 1/3 of all Germans are calling for her to resign.
Over recent months the “spin” on migrants coming to Europe has been that countries like Germany could expect just 1.5 million migrants but the reality is a lot worse.
Thanks to a recent article by the Bild newspaper in Germany we know that the wave of migrants currently hitting Europe could bring up to 7.36 million because every migrant coming to Europe will bring at least eight members of their family once they finally get settled.
How soon could we see the end of Germany as we know it? Go to next page to learn more.
I personally do not care what people think of us….we have fought and died for our freedoms,and will do so again , not cowarding in a foreign country,hiding behind. Kids and moms,bombs….but as Americans, God bless our country, you want globalization ????leave.
Looks like they’re going to need another ethnic cleansing. Fire up the ovens! …Islamburgers up.
Put them out Germany.
Muslims will stick with Muslims when it comes to Islam I don’t care one they lived here for 20 years they will kill you friend or not it’s coming to a war Christians aginst Muslims an I hope the Christians has the back bone to kill if not they will be like sheep I’m a Christian an a old veteran I’m ready to fight to keep my freedom are you
sounds great Mary…..but the call to arms is to late….it should have happened when they killed Kennedy. For the life of me I can not fathom that the people fell for it as reported.
Come get ur jizya
I love the talk…..where is the walk? I mean collectively. the red line has been drawn in the sand so much and moved back so far, that such talk now is just superfluous. there are 100 reasons to take up the second amendment……..but…….must be a big game this weekend….LOL.
will???? when?????
They can never stop us we are Americans….when push comes to shove….even our snowflakes will dig deep and fight.,believe it.
Foolish people take welfare away and see how fast they leave on there own