What do liberal Millennials and migrants have in common? They both feel like they’re entitled and like to smash things when they don’t get their way. Once again, Germany was plagued with migrant violence when some Somali migrants smashed the doors and windows of a business after refusing to pay their bill, leaving the owner fearing for his life.
This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. A few months ago some Syrian migrants in the Netherlands were complaining about the food they were being given, the accommodations and the lack of television. Then just a few weeks ago, migrants blocked traffic in a crowded intersection because they were tired of the clothing that was being supplied to them by the Catholic church. Oh, did I mention that all of the things they were complaining about was given to them free?
Much like in those cases, the Somalis believed that just because they were migrants that they shouldn’t have to pay. They even said so.
Find out what they did after on the next page.
shoot them
The Millennials with see how stupid they are some day , They will live in Government housing , live off of Food stamps , never own their own home, Their children will be owned by the Government , No jobs,if they have a job it will be Government appointed & paid by a Government check , they will be the American scum that destroyed America
Throw them all out of their jobs their families and their friends let them go to prison where they belong.
Criminals in training
Y’all were the ones that killed the people in our downed helo and drug them threw the streets , same as they did in Benghazi. As far as I am concerned everone of you need to be hung and skinned alive. Come messing around me and you will be made a example out of.
All these European countries that got invaded lol
That’s what they deserve.
Real natives out of the jungle
Send them back
Deport them all. Why are they here? They have a country, let them go back to it.