The refugee situation in Europe is worsening with each passing day. As more news comes in about the growing unrest caused by these migrants, many are starting to question exactly what their intentions are. Are they trying to escape the chaos of their homeland or find some place to create more? In a video taken inside of a Budapest train station, a group of refugees can be seen robbing a man trying to hand out donations to a woman sitting on the floor.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Tell you what T John, when paranoia in a black get up complete with hood comes knocking at your door you stay away from mine!
Want to know why you don’t read about maniacs and grenade m$#%&!@*acres? YOU CANT BUY A GRENADE AT WALMART…
LOL… God, you guys are sheep…
They don’t have to “round you up and put you in camps”…
They already did.
All they had to do is make you fat… And give you a TV.
72% of Americans are overweight… 34% of Americans are obese… Don’t believe me… then look it up…
Now here comes the sciencey stuff….
There is a hormone in your body called leptin. Leptin tells you when you are full.
There is this thing called “high-fructose corn syrup” (Think dextrose and like another gazillion patented names for sugar).
High-fructose corn syrup blocks the hormone leptin’s ability to tell you when you are full.
High-fructose corn syrup is in 90% of the processed products you buy, in most cases they ADD extra sugar.
High-fructose corn syrup is mildly addicting.
High-fructose corn syrup causes diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.
Which brings me to the scary part and I really want you guys to think about this one because this scares the c**p out of me…
18% of America’s gross domestic product is related to healthcare, 2. 7 TRILLION dollars.
This means the sicker you are… The better it is for the economy.
If an, “introduced sugar”, can block your ability to know when you are full…
If an, “introduced sugar” makes you sick… and its ADDICTING.
…Would the international corporations that make the processed food want you to know about it?
…Would the international corporations that make TRILLIONS off you being sick put a Black Kenyan Dude, Socialist, Muslim, Dictator with a f**e ID and a secret Muslim decoder ring in Office as a distraction to keep you from going…. “Hey wait a cotton-picken’ minute…!”? What about a loud mouth blowhard with a bad comb-over that hates women and Mexicans as a distraction…
Now click on my video and I will explain about the bacteria in your gut that digest your food and which bacteria slow your brain down…
Hint… Sugar makes you stupid,
The simplest way to control the mind of a large group of people is to divide them into little groups of people that hate each other while controlling what they read, watch on TV, what they eat, and what they drink.
They will show you horrible images/videos like this while giving you a steady diet of processed food full of sugar to make you to lazy to actually research what is really going on.
(Oh… and if you think I am belittling or “body-shaming” overweight people you are kind of an idiot.)
We have pictures of Isis fighters in the crowd. It’s not xenophobia
love USA
We are in a Spiritual Warfare! Are you praying? If not, you are no longer a Christian. Prayer to God reaps miracles. Conversions! So many are suffering..genocide. We must help. But, we are not a weak people. We can be strong about figuring a way to separate the sheep from the wolves! And we do all we can to protect and defend our Nations in the process. God will help and protect those who are Merciful ..and…Wise!!!
Time for TARGET Practice Over there
These are not “refugees” fleeing the “horrors of war”. These are Muslim men intentionally, strategically dispersing themselves throughout Europe and the U.S. in order to spread their vile evil like the plague, helping Islam with global $#%&!@*. It’s like a trojan horse, filled with Islamic extremists. These men are ISIS soldiers. Oh, and by the way, they left their women and children behind in Syria to be beaten, raped, tortured, murdered and enslaved.
Barbara is right
Well someone is making good use of their thesaurus. Now learn how to p$#%&!@* a sentence, eliminate your redundancies, edit out the non sequiturs, and perhaps, just perhaps, your overblown rhetoric will make sense.