The refugee situation in Europe is worsening with each passing day. As more news comes in about the growing unrest caused by these migrants, many are starting to question exactly what their intentions are. Are they trying to escape the chaos of their homeland or find some place to create more? In a video taken inside of a Budapest train station, a group of refugees can be seen robbing a man trying to hand out donations to a woman sitting on the floor.
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Better, no. Safer, yes.
T John, you have been drinking the coolaid too long. Bush, etal…did not create this mess…pulling out of Iraq by our Muslim president and his far left loon sycophants intentionally caused this problem….
We don’t need that here. But Obama don’t care what Americans say or want.
Believe it or not the right wig is not sopost to be a rasist movement .I support the US but no not all Muslim are bad some vary good it was acully pretty cool hear in northern during this water shortage the Muslims prayed for rain and it accully did .I not saying it accully made it rain but the power if believe is powerful .What ever good debate John .I agree to disagree with you.
Fair enough, sir.
The Korea was sawned by the devil, read and learn.
And so it continues …
You CAN’T let illegals into your country. They need to stand and fight in there own country.
Leftist Eropean media is in favor the muslim refugees.
GEEZE….what a nice “thank you” ……