Germany’s leaders seem intent on committing cultural suicide if not national suicide. And Chancellor Merkel is quite willing to stand by and let it happen, if not actively encouraging the process. So derelict is this woman in her responsibility to the people of Germany that she should be brought to trial for treason. As a committed globalist and advocate of a one-world-government, her loyalties are not with the German people, but with her colleagues across Europe and elsewhere who are enemies of the nation-state.
As a result, the people of Germany are suffering horribly from an onslaught of refugees who have no apparent intention of following the law or even acting in a decent and civilized way. As opposed to showing appreciation for the opportunity to live in a nation like Germany, they inflict deliberate harm on the German people. Deportation is the obvious answer — which means it won’t be used.
The crime statistics are awful, and one must question when things finally hit the breaking point. More on page two.
Americans are next. Ten million in America and multiplying like the cancer lslam is. Obama’s contribution to the demise of America while Americans pay their way to destroy them. ENFORCE THE FEDERAL LAW THAT OBAMA VIOLATED AND SURPRESSED PURGE ISLAM FROM AMERICA
they didn’t have a wussy for a leader back then , and the men knew how to fight
Don’t let them in, dumbass
This is the very kind of situation that lead to the rise of the ‘brown shirts’ along with$#%&!@*in the late 20’s into the 30’s. Civil unrest, disorder, caused the people to flock to the promise of a stable economy. We all know how that turned out… watch the German people rise up again……
That’s why they were sent to Germany instead of Saudi Arabia…. just so chaos and overwhelmed the welfare system to collapse Western society
Round ’em up and send them back to the middle east !!!!!!!
DAMN RIGHT !!! I’d rather be with a Christian Mexican woman that would teach me her language each day if she just support her & help this old cripple man ; it doesn’t have a dang thing to do with sex , Chit !!!
She has that Hillary look
Germany had during WW2 one of the best armies in the world.Thwy were fierce fighters.What happened? They have become a nation of pansies taking Muslim c**p and not fighting back.If your govt.does not protect you get rid of it and protect yourself.Germany now for all intents and purposes is a Muslim country .The same will happen here if we back down from them