The migrants just keep coming, running from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan into Europe, some out of desperation, while others, most certainly up to no good. At a border fence, between Greece and Macedonia, the hoards of humanity pressed in, attempting to continue on their flight to Germany and Scandinavia. Macedonia has began refusing entry to Afghans, as well as imposing stricter controls on Syrians and Iraqis.
But tempers have been flaring as some have been stuck for eight days with little food and today the refugees broke out into a protest chanting ‘Open the border’ and threw stones at the Macedonian police.
Hundreds of migrants attempted to break through a fence on the Greece-Macedonia border by charging it with a home-made battering ram.
Authorities fired tear gas and stun guns as thousands of refugees congregated at the border to cross into the Balkan country in a bid to make their way across Europe.
The authorities in Macedonia have only allowed 300 migrants in on Saturday, damming up the entrance to uncontrolled migration. Yet real stories, real people, with hungry children who have indeed fled for their lives, are caught in the mix, as false refugees have distorted those truly in need.
One Syrian man said: ‘I’m 17 days on the road with my family and my two children. I don’t know what to do.’
The need is real, but so is the abuse and violence used by those working the system, riding the wave of those who need shelter and aid, and exploiting the exodus.
Source: Daily Mail
Coming to America…. Vote for Trump he will stop this ..
Lock and Load…. Eliminate all targets….