With 53,000 migrants stuck in Greece, unable to move further north because Europe nations have closed their borders to the refugees, the country is struggling to handle the throngs of humanity.
A harrowing incident occurred at the port of Piraeus, where approximately 5,000 migrants are encamped. The Greek government announced it needed the port back for the Easter holiday and planned to move the refugees to locations around the country, but the migrants were not having it.
Pro-migrants volunteers are being accused of inciting the migrants, encouraging them to demand that the borders be re-opened, and creating unrest in the migrant camps.
In this turmoil, one migrant clashed with Greek officers, grabbed a tiny baby and threatening to throw it.
Read the horrifying story and view the video on the next page.
Thank you for sharing this. I hate it but all Americans need to understand this reality.
I hate it also but yes we do need to know what kind of monsters they are!! Thank you!
Donald J. Trump withstood the onslaught of the establishment yet again. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had the Governor of Wisconsin, many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him. Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him. Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet— he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump.
We have total confidence that Mr. Trump will go on to win in New York, where he holds a substantial lead in all the polls, and beyond. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who can secure the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, or whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to Make America Great Again.
The word animals is wrong ! At least animals care about their young. These people are MONSTERS !
Sick! Sick! Sick! Donald J. Trump 2016 Or We Will Be A Syrian Nation!! Our Hands Are tied!!
I hope you guys are happy to be the fall of something that was great
Send their spawn with them!