With 53,000 migrants stuck in Greece, unable to move further north because Europe nations have closed their borders to the refugees, the country is struggling to handle the throngs of humanity.
A harrowing incident occurred at the port of Piraeus, where approximately 5,000 migrants are encamped. The Greek government announced it needed the port back for the Easter holiday and planned to move the refugees to locations around the country, but the migrants were not having it.
Pro-migrants volunteers are being accused of inciting the migrants, encouraging them to demand that the borders be re-opened, and creating unrest in the migrant camps.
In this turmoil, one migrant clashed with Greek officers, grabbed a tiny baby and threatening to throw it.
Read the horrifying story and view the video on the next page.
Deport and close the borders
This is how the Muslims get what they want they take their children and expose them to the dangerous isn’t that great parents but they don’t care for life so it doesn’t matter to them they are sick people
Nice peaceful people.
Can we legally shoot these people yet?
I truly believe that Moslems do not have the capacity to love their children.
I hope this didn’t happen that baby is innocent and those who involve should be sent to prison ASAP and the mother get;s help to stop it from happending again.
Please do at least one of the next generation of these scum Muslims in gone!
Help !!! Proyecto para el Papa // Project to the Pope…♥ )))
This is the value of life in the middle east , it’s coming here in much greater numbers in the very near future . In fact Barry brought some in this week. If you’re not prepared to deal with it , then you deserve what you tolerate.