Migrant Threatens to Kill and Eat People on Bus

The young Afghan man launched into a crazy tirade against all things western.

He called people rapists. He declared he was a jihadist. He insinuated he was some kind of soldier.

From Brietbart:

“Do you know why I feel that way? For I have never slept in my country in peace and quiet. I came from Afghanistan when I was 13 years old. I have been with the Taliban in the Mujahedeen War.

Preceded by this:

“I’ve grown tired. I’m 23 years old and I have vengeance here [indicating his heart], don’t you get it?

“It means that I can eat humans right now.”

“If you feel that way you should go down there and fight.

“Down there my brothers say ‘Allahu akbar’”

“Why don’t you go and fight?”

“It is because my sisters are small and should not be raped by people like you.”

“I’ve never raped anyone”

“Such disgusting paedophiles like you. I am not such, you see.”

Let’s hope that after that outburst, he did leave Sweden and go fight. Something tells me that bus tantrums don’t equal amazing guerrilla fighting skills.

Source: Breitbart



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