The sexual abuse saga continues making its way across the German countryside as other cities reporting, along with Cologne, attacks against many women by men described as “foreign”.
Cologne, as Truth and Action has been following, has had reports of more than 100 victims of sexual assault and robbery. “On New Year’s Eve, Cologne became a warzone and the safety, as well as propriety and respect for women, who were celebrating, became none existent as reports of abuse and rape, at the hands of migrants, have been reported in the dozens.”
Berlin now reports similar assaults taking place on the street “in front of the Brandenburg gate”. Berliner Morgenpost reports that in four distinct incidents, groups of “three to five men” from Iraq and Pakistan, have “sexually harassed” by various women. One female reported to the police that she was “‘touched’ at a music event by ‘several immoral men'”.
More cities fall under the plague of the Chancellor Merkel’s open border policy on page 2.
Good job there Merk…..boy. What a$#%&!@*that was…nitwit
LMAO then she said multiculturalism is a SHAM hahahahahaha
and thats why americans dont want them. only the liberals and assholes want them
Merkel is a fool, she should have called for safe zones in muslims countries. She betrayed her country with her ignorance and ego. Poor Germans and poor Germany, they are forever ruined.
Boy this news really wants you to visit Germany.. not
What n Evil old Wicked Witch!
She’s hoping that someone will assault her.
The more the Muslims get away with their raping and crimes, the more they will do!
She was kind of hoping someone would gang rape her