So, the invaders are now demanding better food. They get free Italian food, but apparently that is just not good enough. A protest held by refugees against “monotonous” Italian food was “excessive”, especially at a time when thousands of Italians go hungry, claims the president of a police organization. More on the boldly demanding beggars on the next page:
And the idiots in government want to bring them here…
I don’t believe they are fleeing.. I think they are invaders and their behavior is that of invaders.. demands, threat, destruction of property.. rape of women and children in the area where they are hpused
Send the Criminal Home.
Send them back home. If they don’t like the food.
That could be dangerous in some places.
This is what expect if we alow then to remain and get awey with it ……..
In Roman times ,they used lead and strychnine to preserve and sweeten the wine of course some turn bad and did some brain damage….I wonder if he is one the descendants ????
What war is he fleeing from? He is no Syrian, Iraqi or Afghani? Invaders I say so crank up the Iron Maiden because I call bs on his and all others refugee status! Where are all the women? Why is it only young able bodied men in their 20-40’s? Watch out Italy you have an army on your shores now! Send in the lasagna….
Go mafia style on the thugs
This world is certainly turned up side down. Those migrants should be happy eating anything. Throw them some pig.