A three-year-old child was raped by a male refugee in Swedish asylum center in Tinsgsryd and the police were not contacted by the asylum or by the Swedish Migration Board in order to protect the rapist! Eight hours later, the police was contacted by the a friend of the girl’s mother.
Who covers up the rape of a child?
Castrate the guy
Hog blood dipped bullets work wonders on the towel heads. These folks are not here for help they are fighting age men remember that they are coming to rage War. The Sheepdogs will protect the Sheep. This is why we need the Second Amendment period.
“…being an migrant”? ; ” the police was contacted by the a friend of the girl’s mother.” ~ Who wrote this piece? Have you ever heard of proofreading? Or is this the best you can do with the Engljsh language?
Cmon , this cant be happening
Evil, evil, evil..
Sickening. Arm ourselves. We need to!!
Only one thing to do – is shoot this scum….
Karma will be the western world turning right will a bigger stick!!!
Obama let them in.