Europe is dying. The old western world is slowly killing itself and allowing migrant molesters to run amok on continent that once hosted many global empires.
Across Europe there are sexual assaults and episodes of violence that have exposed the weakness of the leftist European way.
The European reaction has been mostly passive, letting girls and children get attacked as victims of Islamic “sexual emergencies.” Perhaps the Europeans should remember their forebears and step up to this new challenge.
Switzerland took on the three migrants to a pool issue.
In Germany, some migrants used the public pool as a toilet.
In Vienna, a young boy was raped so hard he bled and was hospitalized.
In Berlin, some migrant men were forcing a boy at a pool to perform “sexual acts” on them.
Ready for leftists to explain this one away?
Please see the next page for details on the latest migrant sexual assault.
I will drown you if I see this!
I thought united Nations pulled together funded by the workers of each said country. United Isis and any foreign or domestic terrorist should be exiled.
We’ve bailed their asses out two times in one century. There won’t be a third. We’ll be too busy fighting here on American soil.
un is moslime
Sick pigs
One does not need to show red scales bat wings and a pointed tail with a pitch fork to identify as one of saintans minions. Attacking the innocent is what they do.
Coming to a country near you.
Wake up America
Time to meet allah
Europe should be able to find its place in foreign policy through the military-depending on a country of choice.