For several months the western world has been inundated with stories of refugees gone wild. Riots, rapes and jihadist attacks have been splashed across front-pages, uploaded to YouTube and shamefully, a few have been covered up.
After being victimized time and again by a barbaric mindset imported into their midst, the European citizens have demonstrated incredible grace to the point of foolishness.
Time and again episodes of abuse have rained down on women and children and still we are told that the west must do more to accommodate the ultra-violent menace of unhinged men who roam in groups to molest women.
Now the over-reach of entitled refugee groups has reached a satirical level and they want the German people to ban alcohol.
How this can be covered without degenerating into total satire would be a test for any writer.
The group making this demand is called MuslimStern. While their name implies seriousness, their request for the German people cannot be taken seriously.
Please see the next page for Migrants demanding an alcohol ban.
Migrant Group,,,,,LEAVE or SHUT UP!
Deport Now
As if that’s going to stop it who were the square knights on the round table who thought of that brilliant idea and how much did they pay themselves for such brilliance for fucking around with woman’s lives( he says sarcastically )
Where do these idiots get off DEMANDING things wherever they go ?
Obama Told Us All in His Own Words:
“I Will Stand with the Muslims Should the Political Winds Shift in an Ugly Direction.”
Barack Hussein Obama from His Book, Audacity of Hope, Page 261!
Muslims have come to a NON-MUSLIM Country as Empty Handed Beggars and then have the GALL to dictate and demand we bow to their barbaric muslim bs??!!
Muslims have DICTATED ad DEMANDED more than any other immigrant in American history!
Muslims are NOT special or righteous. Islam is a violent, male dominated perverted sexual, CULT where there is no education, no freedoms and the women and children are chattel to be bought and sold to the highest male bidder, to be used and abused as that male wants.
Raping young children, both boys and girls (Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, Google it) and their hate filled book, quran says it’s ok. ??
Islam approves of SLAVERY. Does America really want to be BOWING down to these barbaric muslim Males????
How can anyone support Islam?? AND, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), Obama or any Muslim cannot lie their way out of these truths and facts.
America is a NON-MUSLIM country! We are a majority Christian / Judaic nation! One Nation Under God – In God We Trust!
Get out of America now
If it’s not one thing it will be another
Cult(islam) + Law (sharia) = Theocracy. The United States Constitution protects freedom of religion. A theocracy should be charged as treason. This Theocracy (islam) has declared war on the USA! Letting any of these refugee/terrorist in is aiding and abetting the enemy. 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. I propose all mosques be closed, islam and all sharia law declared illegal in the USA! Feel free to copy and paste this message!
How about asserting self control you freaking animals
They only do not drink in their own country, but BOOZ IT UP elsewhere. Several years ago, I saw two at a local University Fraternity Party, so drunk, they could barely walk. I asked, Isn’t this aginst your religion? The reply was, that only applies when we are at home.