A seventh grade required reading assignment at a Springfield, Ill middle school actually states that Americans must register their firearms in order to have a Second Amendment right.
From the workbook: “This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.
Provided to the Illinois Gun Owners Rights Facebook page by a local parent, the required reading makes several blatantly false statements regarding the right to gun ownership.
“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison,” the workbook states.
Along with an open ended statement regarding the right to “certain weapons,” the assignment also excludes mention that Americans have the right to “keep” and bear arms.
The parent, speaking on the condition of anonymity, confirmed the assignment to Storyleak and detailed their child’s initial reaction.
“My son was given a workbook at school that is a compilation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When they covered the 2nd Amendment, he saw that they were stating that only ‘certain guns’ could be owned and that they had to be ‘registered,’ which he knew was false,” the parent said. “He bought this to my attention as he felt it was wrong to teach these things that aren’t true. I’m extremely proud of my son for his actions.”
“Me and my children are active gun enthusiasts and supporters of the 2nd amendment. I have discussed the 2nd amendment with them several times and explained what it meant and its importance to our country.”
While the parent confronted several school administrators, the workbook is likely to stay in circulation for young students across the state.
“I even told the school officials I talked to that you can’t reword the Constitution to what you think it should be and you should only teach what it is,” the parent said. “We live in a society where children are being taught to fear firearms instead of embracing them and our shooting sports. Heck 50-60 years ago you had police officers coming into schools teaching firearm safety and now we have schools teaching false information and fear. It’s a sad time.”
Unfortunately for young minds across the country, false information regarding the Bill of Rights and Constitution is rampant throughout the public school system.
Matt Landry: are you so ignorant that you actually believe that ALL GUN OWNERS just leave them “laying around the house”? Just goes to show ya who the “irresponsible” ones really are. It’s dems and liberals like YOU that make all dems and lobs look like uneducated bigots!
Pack of lies
Not all weapons fall under that law. But most honest gun owners have had their guns registered with the federal government when they purchased them. Now gangs. Terrorist or others who will use them will never register their weapons. Some will go to prison for life. Third strike laws and criminals just want to continue to commit crimes.
Who proofreads these textbooks. Next they’ll be saying Japan didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor.
Perversion of our Constitution. Our Constitutionally protected rights are being steadily eroded. Soon there will be no freedom at all for the lower class people. And make no mistake, there WILL be a lower class and a ruling class. No middle class and no chance to improve your life if you were born into the lower class.
Maybe they should read the TRUTH: http://msc-inc.net/documents/usa_founding_documents.html
It is called indoctrination. The left have learned from their Communist Masters how to work it.
SOMEONE got the wrong message!
One of the main reasons to homeschool your children.