The Michigan Dept. of Agriculture last year forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump 248 gallons of organic milk and destroy 100 dozen eggs along with fresh cream, butter and cheese after accusing them of “selling food without a license.”
Their farm is a co-op, however, where people must buy shares to obtain food. The MDA stated that their contracts were invalid so the food wasn’t ‘shared’, but ‘sold’.
Isn’t it a total waste resources, just what’s wrong with the idiot in the Michigan Dept. of Agriculture?
OSCUMBO’S doing.
This has ZERO to do with “OSCUMBO” you dolt. This was your REPUBLICAN controlled MIchigan STATE. Try turning off faux “news” and actually researching sometime.
I cannot say what I want but then again Ladies excuse me for this. $#%&!@* them bastards. They keep pushing their c**p the People will Rise up and take the Govt. State and Federal Back.
WHEN Brian?? what will it actually take for people to storm the county seats and state capital with pitchforks and let their voices be heard on this ridiculous piece of “legislation” and over-reaching on “protecting” the good citizens of Michigan? (and everywhere else, for that matter). I don’t see ANYONE even protesting, let along “rising up”.
If they were GMOs they wouldn’t be in any trouble at all…
this is uncalled for, what is next
Ash says:
“That’s unbelievably racist.
And its MUSLIMS.
If you’re going to be a racist, at least spell it correctly.”
Racist Comment not so much since Muslims as a whole have more rights than you and I do. That isn’t racist that is a fact and your comment proves it.
Horse$#%&!@*. Everyone in the US has the same rights. You sound like a teabagger.
ok… how about bigoted? that works, right? and muslims have “more rights” how? take tin-foil hat off, and put meds in mouth and swallow.
It’s called democratic control of people….they want the tax money, their broke! A government too big and bloated that steals from hard working tax payers so that it can create useless jobs and they don’t even create/produce anything! Progressive liberal democrats are looters, stealing and mooching off producers!
hey dummy. the republican governor is in charge and ordered this!
Its called taking care of your own. Someone in govt will lose their job if a license isn’t sold. I had to dump 5000 gallons of milk and couldn’t even sell it for DOG FOOD!!!! The dog food buyer called me and said they threatened to pull his license. Then the govt agent told me I couldn’t talk about it!! Whoops!
I would rather but my milk and eggs from them then in the store. In fact I do buy my eggs farm fresh and organic from friends.
Muslim is not a race
Another f’g outrage from an out of control government.