The Michigan Dept. of Agriculture last year forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump 248 gallons of organic milk and destroy 100 dozen eggs along with fresh cream, butter and cheese after accusing them of “selling food without a license.”
Their farm is a co-op, however, where people must buy shares to obtain food. The MDA stated that their contracts were invalid so the food wasn’t ‘shared’, but ‘sold’.
Stupidity -MDA does more harm them good , how’s that wild pig thing going ?
Shame on you Michigan, but you let all those Muslins in your state!
That’s unbelievably racist.
And its MUSLIMS.
If you’re going to be a racist, at least spell it correctly.
Seeing as “Muslim” is not a race, how exactly is it racist?
If you’re going to call someone a racist, atleast know what you’re talking about.
Thanks, Ash. It’s good to know that there are good folks out there.
How is that racist? Muslim is a religion. not to mention they never stated any prejudice against Muslims, as far as you know they meant shame on you for this but at least you let Muslims into your state, your assumptions are “racist”
YODER. Amish. I got a message for you Ms. Yoder. You are SO ultra protective or YOUR rights….yet you won’t get out and protest and picket to preserve others’ rights? And being a racist with your comments about “muslins” just shows the level of your very lacking “mentality”.
Racist or not it is true
Actually that would be religous intolerance. Race and religion are two different things.
Muslin is a material.
Racist Comment not so much since Muslims as a whole have more rights than you and I do. That isn’t racist that is a fact and your comment proves it.
actually Muslims are not terrorists. Actually go to a local mosque ask questions ignorance is a disease in itself. Muslims are not allowed to waste food it goes against Islam. Islam is not just a religion its a way of life full of rules that benefit society. The problem is that we live in a human farming system.We are just people who the governments want manipulate and control.The bank helps the poor get poorer the richer get richer the big companies help make and control government policies.we live in fractional banking system were banks can make money out of no were were it never existed before and give interest rates on them we end up working to pay off debt and for the interest for the rest of our lives live with in the jails of policies,systems that don’t work for us the people but work for corporations banks and govternment
ALL Muslims follow an ideology that includes terrorism.
Qur’an 22:19-22 “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem” “for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods”
Qur’an 3:56 “As for those disbelieving infidels, I will punish them with a terrible agony in this world and the next. They have no one to help or save them.”
Qur’an 8:55 Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve.
Qur’an 8:7 “Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: ‘Wipe the infidels (non-Muslims) out to the last.’”
and so on……
Your statements are pathetically ignorant. Saying all Muslims are terrorists is the same as saying all Christians are good and caring. Some of the worst, most violent people I’ve known would tell you all day long what good Christians they are. The bible is filled with hate and violence, but followers of both religions make their own choices based upon their conscience and best judgement. Radical Islamists and radical fundamentalist Christians are the same. Both are ready to promote hate and terrorism for their twisted beliefs. I’m a Vietnam Veteran and a patriot, and all the Muslims I’ve come to know over the years are good and trusted friends. Educate yourself. Stop parroting the ignorant haters.
Muslim is not a race…
Racist? Islam is not a race. It is a sick, evil ideology that includes religion AND politics….and wants to destroy western values. Read the Quran and hadiths. THEN come talk to me….
I think she meant fabric
Muslim isn’t a race, it’s a religion. American education is incredible.
That’s a religion not race if you’re going to correct uem. Correct them the right way.
Typical Liberal response, that’s right just keep feeding the terrorists Ash. Show me one GOOD Muslim and prove it to me and I’ll remain forever silent, Until then STFU Liberal! In addition,your word ‘its’, is ‘it’s’. Get your grammar right holier than thou.
If ignorance is bliss then you probably don’t even care how much you suck. Shame.
I’d rather have Muslims in Michigan than people like you any day.
I bet you haven’t read the Quran and hadiths. You really should before you comment on Islam. Muhammed, the so-called prophet, was having sex with a little child when he was 53 years old. He and his men would attack villages, slaughter the men and any boy with any pubic hair and then rape and sell or enslave the women. Muhammed demanded terrorism, torture and death to all non-Muslims. And here’s the kicker….NOT ONE Muslim today will say that Muhammed was wrong to do these things. They ALL think that Muhammed was the PERFECT example to follow.
Educate yourself.
for those stating that Muslims are all evil because of their texts and ideology . look at the bible it aint all love thy neighbor. every religion has its own violence its unfair to judge a group of people with out looking at both sides of the argument and context. Christians burned pagans at the stake along with people who they assumed to be witches…..humans in general are c**p once you realize this you will stop arguing which group is a less pretty and polished $#%&!@*.
Yep, read it. Moot point, however. Just as “God” didn’t write the Bible, Muhammad didn’t write the Quran. MEN who had their own agendas and interpretations of the teachings wrote, and re-wrote both. Can’t say for certain, but I’m thinking a lot of the hatred and calls for violence against infidels followed the Christian Crusades, when all of those horrendous things were done to Muslim “infidels” on behalf of “God”. Most Muslims don’t take the Quran word for word, just as most Christians don’t take the Bible word for word. At least not those with a modicum of intelligence. Oh, one more thing, prior to 1920 the age of consent for little girls in most of these United States was 12 years of age, 10 in a couple. It’s still 14 in one state and 16 in all the rest. Appropriate? Nope. But Muhammad would feel right at home here.
Somebody get this ignorant racist OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!
LOL, your country? I seen how you Liberals use the word racist, I see for example when Whoopi Goldberg on ‘the view’ told a white conservative male about his bigotry/racism towards the term ‘Redskins’ then right her next sentence she calls him a ‘typical WHITE guy!” You liberals are not only racist in reverse but major hypocrites, so STFU!
Muslin is fabric. And there is a lot of it in Michigan, especially at JoAnn Fabrics.
Muslims, on the other hand, are a religion, and not particularly noted for their influence on Michigan agricultural societies, no matter how silly they might be.
For that matter, the muslin is also not to blame.
My GOSH, we can’t have muslins running around, they’ll like make patterns and curtains and stuff!
Wow. Incrediabley racist. May god have mercy on you for judging thy neighbor. Read your holly book and you will see that only god will judge on judgment day. Learn a bit of Islam before you go bashing it. Even the Quran teaches the same story of passing judgment. I bet you didn’t even know Jesus is a prophet in the Quran… I can’t stand ignorance. I am converted Muslim from Christianity. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
stay classy, remila.
Yes, it is a shame that all that fabric is in michigan.
That’s what you get when you live and vote in a Liberal State.
um the republican governor ordered this!
That’s a pretty stupid comment. Not that it has anything to do with the topic at hand, but the MI state legislature is majority Republican and it’s Governor is Republican. So there goes your “Liberal State” theory.
That statement isn’t accurate, actually our States Government has Republican majority. You are thinking about our Federal Government leanings. This story concerns the States legislation that being Republican controlled.
This is NOT a “liberal” or “conservative” issue..this is a FREEDOM issue…..jeeeeeeeeez It’s just SO easy for you to write it off to the “other side” while not bothering to get involved and let your voice be heard …too busy watching Survivor or Duck Dynasty perhaps?
It is a freedom issue. And both sides are destroying freedom.
It happens in a lot of states, not just MI. Watch Food,Inc. and you’ll see. Virginia is not a liberal state and it happened there several times! To waste food is a shame! It should never be “what one gets” no matter where they live!!
This happens all across the country… The last time I checked farm subsidies and agricultural rationing were CONSERVATIVE principles… I guess that’s the kind of comments you leave when you are a BONEHEAD.
Where do you get the idea Michigan is a “Liberal State”? This has EVERYTHING to do with total Republican control of Michigan.
Michigan has a Republican governor, and Republicans in the State House and Senate. This push towards chemical/industrial agriculture is 100% Republican.
Seriously? Get your facts right before posting such drivel.
Michigan is not a liberal state.
Because liberals are stereotypically known for supporting big business monopolies? No, that’s conservatives. Put your thinking cap on and stop with the useless regurgitation of derisive talking points.
Don’t know, nor do I CARE, where you live. But, you know NOTHING of what is happening in Michigan since the Snyder regime took over! So, please, STFU!
This doesn’t seem like just a liberal issue to me.
Another poster that is clueless and spouting at the mouth. The last time I checked, they still have an ultraconservative governor that busted the unions in the state that was the hotbed of unionized labor. Know your facts unless you like looking ignorant.
WHY? There is so many starving people in the USA and the world. Another state that thinks they are Gods, but they aren’t.
obammy, Michigan, unions, liberals, socialist, communist and the other minions can all go to hell. I am very upset over this. We need to get rid of this jerks as soon as possible. Why does obammy have a taster for his food that he eats. Maybe we will hire obammy to test our food and hopefully it will have poison in it. You, obammy are disgrace.
Ridiculous. President Obama has no control over the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
Seriously? Get your facts right before posting such drivel.
Your an idiot. The issue has nothing to do with the federal government. It was by order of the State of Michigan Dept. of Agriculture. It was done on the state level which by the way is a Republican state!
What an idiot you are? On top of idiot, you are racist, disrespectful and hateful! It’s Bundy lovers like you that have given this country a bad name!
First of all Michigan is a republican state, obama is a democrat, secondly this is a state issue not a federal issue. Before you start criticizing have your facts straight. The president doesnt have control over these issues, the federal govt is losing power in regulating these corporate lobbying techniques that causes things like this to happen. Blame the big corporate monopolies.
Bull$#%&!@*, if I want to buy it, none of the governments business.
It’s called people control. Democrat answer to freedom.
um republican governor in charge!
This IS NOT a Democrat or Republican is a FREEDOM issue. I would think all you “patriots” would be rioting in the streets over this…but i guess you are too busy watching Survivor or Duck Dynasty to bother yourself with standing up for people’s RIGHTS. Maybe Rush Limbaugh will tell you how to fix it…*rolls eyes*
Really disgusting!
How petty they are, rather dump good food for a stupid interpretation of the unjust law.
That really sucks. I can see if they fasly labeled their product and sold them but wtf.